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The SWR WorkingMan’s 1X15T speaker enclosure can be connected to any musical instrument amplifier that is capable of driving an 8 ohm load. To connect your amplifier to the Workingman’s 1X15T, run a high quality speaker cable (18 gauge or heavier) from your amplifier's speaker output to the designated 1/4" speaker input on the cabinet’s input panel.
Power Handling The power output rating for any amplifier that is connected to the WorkingMan’s 1X15T should not exceed the cabinet’s 200 watt power handling capacity. Please be aware that exceeding the power handling capacity of the Workingman’s 1X15T can void the SWR warranty if any damage occurs to your loudspeakers due to overpowering.
Internal Crossover The internal (passive) crossover of the WorkingMan’s 1X15T divides the incoming signal into two frequency bands. The crossover point is 5kHz (frequencies above 5kHz are sent to the tweeter, frequencies below 5kHz are sent to the 15" speaker).